UK Lifestyle blog consisting of fashion, Travel and Interviews!

Sunday 23 November 2014

What I've been up to, October.

So I've not blogged for a little while, as if I'm totally honest I've not had much to blog about. I've been updating my instagram, twitter & pinterest daily, but running a fashion blog is so hard when you feel like your outfits aren't particularly inspiring. If you did fancy seeing a  fashion post you can check my last one out here! So for this Sunday's post you're getting a 'What I've been up to in October' as I love putting all my favourite images from instagram together, to show you all the cool things I've seen & photographed. 
I suppose you want to know what I've been up to? I've left my previous internship (the first photo in this set was actually taken on my last day) and I'm now interning at Biscuiteers, which I absolutely LOVE, it's so much fun and I'm learning a lot, which is great! Eating a couple of free biscuits here & there might be one of the reasons why I like it so much... I've also been trying to explore London more at the weekends and make the most of the best city in the world, (I might be slightly biased but London is so magical at Christmas.) I've taken quite a few trips into central London recently and I've seen a few exhibitions, saw the incredible Matilda the Musical, gained A LOT of Christmas present inspiration - my imaginary list is extremely long and that's about it!
Hopefully I'll be back with a fashion post soon. Let me know what you've been up to in the comments below, especially if you have any Christmassy or festive plans. I'd love to know!


  1. Totally agree, I LOVE London at Christmas! And I'm the same with my blog - my outfits are more cosy than stylish at the moment so I've been focussing more on beauty x

    1. That's exactlyhow I feel about outfits! I just want to be warm now haha x

  2. Ah lovely photographs! I loved Matilda the Musical, one of the best musicals I've ever seen! Totally agree with London being so magical at christmas time. Nothing beats a trip to Winter Wonderland or a little festive shopping session down Oxford Street! x

    1. Thankyou so much, I know London is always the best but it's just that bit better at Christmas!

  3. So muchh food and I am so hungry atm. Loving your photos. x


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