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Friday 6 July 2012

My top 5 cheap beauty secrets!

As beauty or food posts seem to be my most popular I thought I would share with you some of my top beauty tips at very affordable prices. As a student and beauty product lover managing your money isn't always the easiest of tasks especially when there are so many new products coming out every week! So here are a few of my favourite beauty secrets

  1. My favourite thing to take my make-up off with is Simple baby wipes (they're currently buy one get one free at boots), I have quite sensitive skin and a lot of make-up wipes and cleansers tend to break me out or give me a rash (even the simple make-up wipes do!) I came across these baby wipes by complete chance and thought I would give them a go and they're fantastic! They take my make-up off very easily, they don't tend to dry out in the packet so there's always enough moisture and aren't scratchy, and best of all, you can get them anywhere for about £1.
  2. Vaseline - this product is an all-time beauty blogger and editors classic, it's such a versatile product can be used to not only hydrate lips but any really dry parts of your body such as elbows, knees or knuckles. I like to use this product every now and again on my eyelashes to help them grow, I don't know if this is just a myth that it helps your eyelashes grow, but whenever I use this my eye area and eyelashes feel really soft.
  3. Conditioner- Another product I use because I have sensitive skin is hair conditioner, but using it as “shaving foam". Using the conditioner is great as you can get conditioner for under a pound in boots (I tend to go for the conditioner that's part of the essential range), it makes your legs so smooth, moisturised and is just really easy to use when shaving.
  4. Spots are really annoying and if you're not sure whether to squeeze it (I don't recommend this it leaves scaring) or just to leave it, put a small amount of toothpaste on your spot to dry it out overnight and the next day it should be rid of any unfortunate puss you may have.
  5. If you have thin lips or just want to make your lips appear fuller use a shimmery eye-shadow in the centre of your lips after using lipstick and blend in well to create the illusion.


  1. I use the conditioner too and it's so good for the price! Am more of an aloe vera Vaseline kinda gal though... <3

    1. I love using conditioner on my legs it's just so much easier in general and doesn't leave any horrible residue after, I haven't tried the aloe vera Vaseline yet, is there a big difference?


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